Quote Interpretation

“While all engineers should have good communication skills, global engineers

face additional challenges, making effective communication an imperative.”

Debra Kraft, Careers Content Writer, Demand Media (2016)

    With the world becoming more and more connected to each other through the World-Wide web, it is imperative that Engineers have good communication skill. The language barrier will always pose a challenge to Engineers, especially when English isn't the first language spoken by both engineers. This would bring about issues like mis-communication, where information can't be delivered effectively. As a  result, work time will be longer as more time will be spent in the translation and interpretation of the instructions given. An example would be Engineer A would interpret the instruction differently from  Engineer B, resulting in both engineer doing 2 separate things based on their understand of the given language. 

    As a side note, Engineer who can speak multiple language tend to be able to better understand the cultural aspect of the project, allowing for deeper and more impactful contribution to the project.  


  1. I totally agree that good communication is imperative for an engineer, as being able to convey and interpret information effectively will lead to much more efficient work done. Furthermore, as you mentioned, being unable to properly understand each other is dangerous as miscommunication could lead to catastrophic failures should one person make a mistake due to being unable to properly interpret the intensions and ideas of his coworkers or boss.


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